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ORCA Mactac HT Film in the North Sea

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Since 1997 STATOIL has been using the ORCA MACTAC HT Offshore Film on offshore installations in the North Sea. The environment in theNorth Sea is very rough – windy & stormy, salty and with high UV. This environment destroys all existing paint systems in few years, but theORCA HT Offshore film is invented to last for many years in this toughenvironment. And the ORCA Mactac HT Offshore film is absolutely clean to work with,no spill, no left-over and no masks.

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In 1997 the oilrig BRAGE was applicated with the ORCA MACTAC HTOffshore film on the southern side of the accommodation area, in total 1.000 m2. The latest inspection showed the film in absolute good condition without rust, wrinkles, mould or fading. The other side of theaccommodation area was painted and looked at the latest inspectionvery rusty and faded. In 2008 the gas-rig TROLLE-B was applicated on 1 side of the accommodation area. Still no rust formations.

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In summer 2011 parts of the accommodation area on oilrig OSEBERGwas applicated with the ORCA HT Offshore film. The work was donefrom sky climber and from scaffolds.

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12 applicators from subcontractor BIS did the cleaning and applicationjob after they had been trained and certified by ORCA project managers ina 3 days’ onshore session.

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In 2012 a lot of window frames on the accommodation area on the oilrig OSEBERG was completely wrapped and sealed with the ORCA HT Offshore film by ORCA specialists. Special designed film-corners were made in ORCA production facilitiesin Hamburg and shipped to the oilrig in order to have as high productivity as possible during the application process offshore.

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Also certain areas on construction beams and crane-towers wasapplicated with the ORCA HT Offshore film, in colors matching theexisting construction like blue, grey, red and yellow.

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STATOIL offshore surface maintenance managers are very satisfiedwith the results and therefore the work will continue a full season when the ”maintenance-season” starts in May 2013. The work will continueuntil November depending on weather conditions. The projects on oilrig OSEBERG will in 2013 be flat areas andwindow-frames on accommodation area, certain parts of con-struction beams, parts of crane-towers and emergency & dangermarkings.

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If you have any questions to the work being done with ORCA Offshore film at STATOIL rigs, you are very welcome to contact the responsibleSTATOIL engineer for surface maintenance at OSEBERG Feltcentre (OE OMT ISM) Geir Stavsholt, mobil: +47 9943 0954,, see photo to the left. To obtain a high productivity in application, the film was pre-cut in rolls in matching widths and length in ORCA production facility and shippedoffshore.